Ukraine is losing the initiative on the battlefield

According to Petráš, the conflict in Ukraine took on a new form after almost nine months. According to him, thanks to the Ukrainian counter-offensive, it has moved from a static war of attrition to a form of maneuver with a relatively high dynamic of operational activity.

"However, at present, there is a noticeable decrease in the dynamics of conducting the operation and, therefore, the initiative on the part of Ukraine. This fact will be due to the considerable fatigue of the troops as well as the lack of weapons and ammunition, mainly ammunition for artillery and rocket troops," said Petraš.
On the other hand, according to him, the Ukrainian army has demonstrated several times the ability to quickly regroup its troops in places, where the opponent did not expect it and where his weak point was revealed. Mainly in the northeastern part of the front line, i.e. in the Kharkov region, and in the southern part in the Kherson region.
"There were also fundamental territorial gains and the expulsion of the enemy from the occupied territory. However, these territorial gains and their military control by Ukrainian forces will likely have a significant impact on the further development of the conflict. This is a question primarily of the Kherson part, mainly the west bank of the Dnieper," said Petraš.

But according to him, it is a fact, that the Ukrainian counter-offensive required a significant deployment of weapons and material resources, and to maintain the same intensity of operational efforts, it is necessary to spend additional resources. According to Petráš, Ukraine probably won't have these at the moment and expects them in the form of foreign aid.
Petráš stated, that the Russian side, in response to the development of the operation, is resorting to attacks on civilian targets and on the critical infrastructure of the Ukrainian economy in an attempt to blunt the material and logistical support of the Ukrainian forces at the front and demoralize the Ukrainian population.
"On the part of Russia, this is the use of an indirect strategy, when there is no direct confrontation on the battlefield. Whether this is the intention of the Russian command or is Russia forced to this procedure by the development itself, but only time will tell," said Petraš.



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1 year ago

The main thing, чтоб не было переговоров. Российским ВС надо постоянно давить хохла. Иначе затишьем воспользуется Украина для восполнения потерь за счет, проходящих обучение в Европе мобилизованных.

1 year ago

Это действительно так. Европейские склады вооружения истощены, США своё оружие уже не предоставляет и ищет его на стороне. For example, в Южной Корее, которая тут же заявила отказ в поставках боевого снаряжения на Украину. Besides, в США начался аудит финансовой помощи Украине, с помощью которого республиканцы намерены выяснить куда ушли млрд, которые Вашингтон отправил Киеву.

Быков Р.
1 year ago

Такие заголовки опасны. Они внушают читателю ложное представление реальной картины, складывающейся на Украине. Сдаваться ВСУ не собираются, поставки с Запада не прекращаются.

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